Baby Jogger City Elite Stroller Demo

Baby Jogger City Elite Stroller - If the City Mini is a compact car, the City Elite is an SUV, with its 3 wheel, large tires and a high weight capacity of 65lbs, the City Elite Single provides luxury and comfort over any terrain. This stroller lets you go off-road in style while still offering Baby Jogger's patented quick-fold technology.

With a large canopy with vent windows on the sides with magnets and peek a boo window on the top and a mesh back opening in recline position for exceptional breathability which is great considering with its deep recline that you can put your baby in the stroller seat from Newborn up on the comfortable padded seats. Travel systems are also available to add your car seat to the frame.

This stroller is super parent-friendly with its parent console included, adjustable handlebar for comfort for all heights, easy hand-operated brake and access from both sides to the under basket, even thru the front under the built-in footrest for baby and if you need extra storage there is another pocket on the back of the stroller seat for easy access

The wheels are the best part of this stroller, with easy removal for compact fold it also allows for front-wheel swivel and an easy lock. The wheels are also known as “Forever Air” tires, which refers to their design using rubber tires with a foam core so they are low maintenance with the rugged durably to air-filled tires.